Showing posts with label adidas p3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adidas p3. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Discount sale on Donic Platin, Sonex, Acuda S1 Turbo, 5Q, Rakza 7, Hurricane 3!! Lowest price guaranteed

More details on the best deals on high quality Table Tennis rubbers. Lowest price guaranteed when you order via email or SMS or 09822091862. Multiple brands available - Donic, Tibhar, Yasaka, Andro, Butterfly, DHS, Xiom, Adidas, Galaxy, and others!

A list of rubbers with special offers:
Coppa JO Gold
Sonex JP Gold
JO Platin
Bluefire M2
Acuda S1 Turbo

Genius Optimum Plus
D Tecs

Rakza 7

Hexer Duro
Hexer +
Hexer HD


Neo Hurricane 3
Hurricane 3
Galaxy Moon
Stiga Calibra LT Spin
XIOM Omega IV Asia
Sriver G2
Tenergy and many others.

Shoot an email to

Confused about which rubber to choose? Just describe your playing style to us and we'll provide the best suggestion that will suit the style.

Prices are subject to revision due to exchange rate reasons and seasonal demand.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Great new Discount Table Tennis Blade and Rubber Sale

(Please write to for the latest offers. The prices in the post may have changed. Earlier off season sale.)
Huge discounts running on Donic JO Gold, Sonex JP Gold and Donic Platin. 1640, 1640, and 1790 on 3+ rubbers.

Apart from this, promotion prices on the following:

Have just 1 pc each all in black colour, but all at around 28% discount.

Xiom Omega IV Asia - 2380

Stiga Calibra LT Spin - 2190
Hexer HD
Adidas P3, R6 - 1790 and 1740

Apart from this, coming on demand are the new gen rubbers and blades from Tibhar - Tibhar 1Q, Tibhar 5Q, Genius +Optimum, Aurus, Aurus Soft, Nimbus, Sinus series.

Blades (Email for lower rates!)

Tibhar H-3-9  - 6800
Tibhar Force Pro (Samsonov uses) 2480
Tibhar Marcos Freitas (now popular with some India team players) - 4380
Butterfly Timo Boll T 5000 - 8900

Also available Tibhar Shoes, Apparel, Glue, Case, Accessories, Cleaners, Assembled bats and so on.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Adidas Table Tennis Rubber Review

Editor - If you need more information, please call 09822749251 (International +919822749251) or write to

We have rubbers that are available at good Discounts.
The sports giant, Adidas has entered into the Table Tennis field in a big way!
They sponsor major tournaments now. You probably have noticed their slick tables on the World tournament circuit.
Their rubbers are bound to give Tenergy a run for their money since they are high performance rubbers at nearly half the price!
Adidas P3 Table Tennis Rubber
Adidas P3 is a rubber that allows a player to hit ultra-sharp topspins. The P3 has enlarged pores in the sponge and the pimples are arranged in such a way that the top spins land with high quality.

The positive aspect is that although the rubber is built for speed, it can be used to play smartly even in defensive positions such as blocking and lobbing!
Adidas R6 Table Tennis Rubber
Those who miss the gluing habit, need not despair. Adidas R6 makes up for it!
The heavy sound that the rubber makes on contact with the ball is the first thing that you notice.

The elastic and soft sponge generates friction and speed during high speed play. It is best for the energetic, fast players who want to play offensively.
Adidas P5 Table Tennis Rubber
The Adidas P5 rubber gives you fruits of the hard labour during training and practice.

Extremely suitable for the loop game and also the loop-to-loop rallies, the forward traction makes sure that the balls always land at the desired areas. The compact top sheet is designed to enable this to happen.

The Adidas P5 rubber is especially suited for players who train intensely and with focus on technique and touch.